white romance

Sunday, November 01, 2015

And the vacation is already over.. Tomorrow my internship starts again and I just can't wait for the next vacation to come. The next vacation will be the christmas vacation, one of my favorite vacations because it’s one of the coziest times of the year. Being together with your family and
having fun while there’s snow (I hope for a white christmas) and it's cold outside but it's warm and cozy inside. But it will take a couple of weeks till it’s that far. 

This weekend I’ve changed the layout of my blog and it’s a bit more professional but also chic and minimal, so my posts will pop out of your laptop screen or computer or mobile haha.. What do you think about my new website? I'd love to hear that from you. If you have any tips or comments, everything is welcome!

This vacation I also shot a outfit with my sister which was this ‘white romance’ one. The blouse, which is from pepe jeans,  is absolutely one of my favorites, because you can wear it in daytime with a skinny jeans combined with a pair of sneaker or loafers, like I did here. You can also wear it perfectly to a party and combining it with, for example, a leather or pleated skirt. To make it less romantic I put a couple of panter printed loafers on my feet. Those shoes match perfectly with this quilted gold chain bag from DKNY. Hope you like it and I wish you all a nice sunday evening!

I was wearing
Jeans: Zara

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